Four The Win 17/03/08

A slightly frustrating day for Four The Win today.  There were two possible selections, however, none of them came quite as low as 2.3 which is the max odds for the system.  Mores the pity as both were soundly beaten!

Day 10 P/L = £0
Total P/L = £244.50
Bank = £1244.50

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No Responses to “Four The Win 17/03/08”
  1. Simon says:

    I dont know if this is the righrt section to place this post, but anyhow, perhaps you could do that for me. You are right in stating that there is a lot of suspect stuff on laying – or backing, out there, but anyhows, something new in laying that caught my attention is ‘Frontline Lays’ . It is given the thumbs up by one authority who is sceptical of over 90 percent of the literature out there. It looks quite good, on the face of it. I was wondering what the staff or users of OBE reckon to it? Is it up for testing, or if not, is it due to be?
    Thank you for your attention.

  2. Craig says:

    Hi Simon,

    I’ve seen Frontline lays and, if I’m honest, I’m not overly impressed. there is some logic to it, but it takes at least an hour a day to get the selections and even then the results aren’t that great.

    I could be wrong, and it may warrant a full test, but I’d not be rushing to buy it personally.

  3. Jono says:

    Hi Craig,

    I was supposed to buy frontline lay soon but you have say that. Now I have to keep back out a bit until I hear from you in the future if you are going to test it.

    Many thanks for let me know..



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