Bet Accelerator

This month, we have yet another laying system to play with – Bet Accelerator.  This is from the author of the rather popular Go Fibonacci system and similarly concentrates exclusively on odds on shots.

It comes in a PDF document of 54 pages, the first few going dealing with sports betting and the usual Betfair bumf before getting into the meat of the system.  And, quite pleasingly, there isn’t much to get into.  This is another KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) system with just three simple rules – just the way I like them!

I have a feeling there may be a limited number of selections because, although the system is very simple, it is actually a quite tight selection method based entirely on certain tracks and trends.

Bet Accelerator comes with a loss recovery staking plan which is one of those that will either make or break the bank.  It is a simple loss chasing strategy with a basic stop loss at the eighth losing bet.  As it’s odds on’s we’re playing with, I’m hopeful the stakes will never get too big, but a run of eight may have my delicate little feet a moving and a shaking in my oversized boots!  The guide states that over the year of testing, the longest losing run encountered was seven, let’s hope we don’t find the eighth!

And so, to the bank.  The Author recommends a 150 point bank, which seems fairly sensible to me, so for ease of brain power, we’ll start with £1500, aiming to win £10 per selection.  Results for the test can be found below, followed by the final review and my thoughts on this one.

Daily Results

Date Day No. Daily P/L Total P/L
09-Apr 1 -7 -7
10-Apr 2 23.42 23.42
11-Apr 3 -5.5 17.92
12-Apr 4 14.72 32.64
13-Apr 5 -22.4 10.24
16-Apr 6 30.78 41.02
17-Apr 7 9.5 50.52
18-Apr 8 19 69.52
19-Apr 9 -7.29 62.23
23-Apr 10 25.45 87.68
25-Apr 11 18.65 106.33
26-Apr 12 11.07 117.4
29-Apr 13 4.54 121.94
02-May 14 -32.95 89.39
05-May 15 40.8 130.19
08-May 16 9.5 139.69
15-May 17 23.09 162.78
16-May 18 2 164.78
17-May 19 16.63 181.41
20-May 20 -7 174.41

Final Review

So, we started the Bet Accelerator test at the same time as the other tests this month, and I’m actually amazed to see I had 20 betting days in total! I thought I’d had a hell of a lot less!

Bet Accelerator is a simple laying system, looking to lay solely odds on favourites, which is always a good thing, as long as the selection system is strong enough, and the selection criteria for Bet Accelerator does look strong enough, as shown by the 17.5 point profit.

However, I do have a few gripes about the system and I’ll start right back at the book itself. I get fed up of systems that are padded to the extreme with the usual junk about Betfair, odds, backing, laying, blah, blah, blah and I have to say Bet Accelerator is no different. Benjamin has taken a slightly different approach and included some other chapters like ‘The Enjoyment of Sports Betting’ or ‘The Money in UK Horse Racing’ – I’m sorry but I DON’T NEED THAT!!! It is a full 20 pages before I get to the four page selection chapter (which is actually summed up in one page)! Why not just give me the selection chapter/page early on and then if I really want to read all the other padding I can do so at leisure. In the interest’s of fairness, I should say that it’s not only Benjamin who pads out his ebooks, it’s a rather painful trait that seems to have been adopted by pretty much every system writer, but I really think it’s time they stopped it. All I want is the system strategy, pure and simple!

Secondly, I think “Accelerator” is a little bit ambitious! I’d be inclined to call it more like ‘Bet Pension Fund’ or ‘Bet Snail’ or ‘Bet Lada’ or something similar. Yes, you will profit from it, but I think it may be just a little slow, and certainly not akin to any accelerator I’ve ever used.

My final, and biggest, gripe is that it’s a live market system, and if you’re going to use a live market system, then you at least want some action! There’s nothing worse than sitting by a computer all day and placing no bets! To be fair, it’s not every day you have to sit by your PC as you’ll know the night before what meetings, if any, you have to keep an eye on, and you’ll have a rough idea whether you’re likely to have a bet or not, but you do still have to double check it at the off.

And so, Bet Accelerator… I recommend it? Well, it’s hard not to really since it did throw a decent profit in my direction, and 17 points is a very decent profit! Me personally though? I won’t be using it. I just don’t have the time nor the patience to sit watching races come and go without any action. If it was set and forget, then absolutely I’d recommend it but it’s not and that is a big negative! I certainly think more profit could be pulled from it with a lower betting bank probably around half of the recommended 150 points (am I really saying this??) but I don’t think that even that could persuade me. If you’ve the patience and the time to sit and wait on the bets coming your way then Bet Accelerator may very well be just the ticket, if you like even a modicum of action, then I’d suggest you look elsewhere.

Important Update:

Since writing this review it appears that the owner of Bet Accelerator has made the decision to take the website down, so it’s probably just as well that we originally advised that you look elsewhere!

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  1. Paul Graham says:

    This product appears to be no longer available.

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