The Diary Of A Betfair Trader

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a Betfair Trader? Wondered what the day to day grind would be like? Wondered if it’s really possible to turn small profits into accumulated wealth? Well, now you can find out from a guy who actually ’walks the walk’ when it comes to betting exchange trading.

Over at there is a guy whose plan is to turn a £1000 starting bank into £100,000 this year, simply by trading on Betfair. Although he only started at the beginning of the year, the author, Pinsticker, is already well in profit and is around 12% of the way to his £100,000 target after only eight weeks!

The idea behind the blog is to show you that trading is possible, although not necessarily plain sailing, but with a bit of knowledge, the right tools, and a bit of patience, trading really can become a full time occupation and earn you a full time wage (a very substantial full time wage), all from the comfort of your own home.

Pinsticker fills the blog with screen shots of his Betfair account showing his weekly P&L and there is also one or two screen prints in there of some of the features of Bet Angel Pro which he uses to monitor the markets.

It really is a great little blog and it will be fascinating watching how he gets on with his challenge this year. From what I’ve seen, I don’t think he’ll have too much trouble achieving the £100,000, it may just take a little time.

So, if you fancy seeing what it’s really like to trade on Betfair for a living head on over to to learn exactly how it’s done.

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No Responses to “The Diary Of A Betfair Trader”
  1. Davey says:

    That’s a really great blog Craig. £1000 into £100,000 would be some feat!

  2. Jim says:

    This blog is all done with hindsight!!!! any person can splash betfair P+L’s across the screen and (with a bit of help from paint shop pro) make them look authentic .


  3. Paul says:

    Jim, you’re right, it is written in hindsight, but it’s a good read regardless. Betfair actually confirmed that the screenshots were correct when he did the same thing last year, so I’ve got no reason to doubt that what you see is what has actually happened this year either.

  4. Pinsticker says:

    I would like to pull Jim up sharply on his comments. The amounts are not fake and are all true. I thought I had gone out of my way to show that. Terrible that somebody would accuse me otherwise, in fact it’s completely out of order. All the amounts are true and have been traded through Betfair in the manner described. Betfair can certify the results as I set up a new account specifically for this task.

    Of course it’s written in hindsight as I can’t exactly predict what I am going to earn on the week, that’s just a silly suggestion, if I could it would be more likely a £1k to £1m blog!!

  5. Paul says:

    I agree with you mate. How on earth he expects you to post information on live market trading in advance beats me. I think some people just miss the point :-)

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