Lay Pro 88

Lay Pro 88 is, as the name suggests, a laying system with an advertised strike rate of 88%. The system itself is very simple to operate and has a minimal set of rules to follow to find each selection. The downside of the system is that it must be operated on the live market which means either sitting by your PC all day or employing a bot to do the work on your behalf.

The author suggests that Lay Pro 88 will profit with level stakes, however, he does include a staking plan that appears, on the face of it, will increase profits dramatically without placing too much strain on the bank balance, although it may be a little too aggressive for those of a nervous disposition. If adopting this staking plan, the author suggests a betting bank of 200 units to ensure safety during the inevitable losing run’s.

For the test, I will be operating the system manually which will allow me to get a good feel for it, rather than relying, immediately anyway, on a bot and I will also use the staking plan that accompanies the system. My starting bank will be £2000 giving me a base stake of £10.

Updates will be posted daily in the System Testing section of our website.

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