Mathematician Betting

I’ve been a big fan of Guy Ward’s Mathematician Betting service for a long, long time now, so this is one I’m more happy to include on our website for a review. Unlike most wanabee tipsters, Guy has a track record of providing profitable betting advice to clients spanning 7 or 8 seasons and a personal track record of betting for profit that spans several decades. In terms of tipping services, advice lines, or whatever you choose to call them, Guy’s service is head and shoulders above anything else I’ve ever come across and I know that even before starting this monthly test, no matter what the results are like this month, at the end of it I’ll still recommend him highly.

How’s that for a glowing, upfront review before we even get started? :)

To be perfectly honest, it would be an insult to Guy to refer to him as a “tipster”, because the service he provides goes way beyond sending out a couple of tips every day. In his daily emails he supplies you with a detailed analysis of multiple races, often 10 or 12 when it’s a busy day’s racing, and he covers what he feels are statistically correct positives and negatives in each race, which is perfect for backers, layers and traders. On top of this he normally highlights 1 or 2 best bets of the day and these have been profitable in every single season since he started. All in all, Mathematician Betting is a superior betting advisory service in every way possible.

For the purposes of this test I’ll be using a £1000 bank, with a base stake of £20 per point, and I’ll be concentrating on his main account bets only.

Updates will be posted daily in the System Testing section of our website.

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